Tuesday 22nd 2024f October 2024
Start Company
Diamenty Forbes 2020

Welcome to Casp System Sp. z o.o.!

Our activity field

The main activity field is the industrial automation.
Our company was established to satisfy your needs at three areas:


Selecting solutions/appliances of automation field, that matches technical assumption.


Finding the problem solutions in the scope of realized measurements of industrial automation

Making complete deliveries of wide-understood industrial automation.

To be up with such complex assignments, we enter many different activities since the beginning of our existence on the industrial automation market.

Long-lasting co-operation with the deliverers.

ilustracjaFirs of all we picked up a cooperation with many trade deliverers of industrial automation. Thanks to that we are able to realize even complex deliveries fast and skilfully.
Our relations with the deliverers are based on the partnership. Our co-operation doesn't finish by the
merchant exchanging, but is much wider. Thanks to regular consultations when it goes about current work and taking part in trainings that are organized by our partners, we gather necessery knowledge that helps us to serve our clients professionally and square.

Professional service

ilustracjaIndustrial automation is an exacting branch. Because of that we not only take part in different trainings, but also make an effort to develop our personel. Thanks to that we assure the professional service for our clients. This fact bilds up long-lasting, based on the partnership relations with them.

We improve our clients work

To help you while choosing the right solution, together with the interactive agency Excelo, we've  prepared an opulent internet-service. Thanks to the trueCMS system, we can quickly react on your remarks and regulary update the news in our service.

Firs of all we would ask you to check our on-line list, in that you can find wide set of industrial automation appliances. An unique, on the polish markt, catalogue, that is an integral part of the trueCMS system created by Excelo, helps to solve very complicated matters of order codes.

Thanks to that, choosing the right solution takes you only several minutes!

We promise we won't stop and will react without delay on your needs, actualizing data-base regulary.

The software tool, that we've created should help us to build up our common relations and make them stronger. Also, they help us to realize our tasks more effectively.

We encourage you to cooperation with us!

 Casp System  Sp. z o.o. Team

Dotacje na innowację. Projekt jest współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską ze środków
Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego

CASP System - Twój partner w dziedzinie Badań Nieniszczących i Automatyki Przemysłowej!